I know I'm not waiting for a prince to rescue me... because I pretty much can damn well take care of myself.
No offense guys, but seriously, I'm badass, I don't need help. Type A personality at it's best!
Actually, what I love about this poster is that it was part of a campaign for Mercy Academy, an all-girls Catholic school. Check out the full-story to see more of their girl power ad campaign. It's pretty brilliant and I think the message to these girls will ring loud and clear.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Happy Birthday Hedy!
From A Mighty Girl's Facebook Post
"Today in Mighty Girl history, Hedy Lamarr, the glamorous movie star from the black-and-white era of film who co-invented a device that helped make possible the development of GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi technology, was born in 1914.

Originally from Austria, the mathematically talented Lamarr moved to the US in 1937 to start a Hollywood career. Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, she was considered one of cinema's leading ladies and made numerous films; however, her passion for engineering is far less known today. Her interest in inventing was such that she set up an engineering room in her house complete with a drafting table and wall of engineering reference books. With the outbreak of World War II, Lamarr wanted to apply her skills to helping the war effort and, motivated by reports of German U-boats sinking ships in the Atlantic, she began investigating ways to improve torpedo technology.
After Lamar met composer George Antheil, who had been experimenting with automated control of musical instruments, together they hit on the idea of "frequency hopping." At the time, radio-controlled torpedoes could easily be detected and jammed by broadcasting interference at the frequency of the control signal, thereby causing the torpedo to go off course. Frequency hopping essentially served to encrypt the control signal because it was impossible for a target to scan and jam all of the frequencies.
Lamarr and Antheil were granted a patent for their invention on August 11, 1942, but the US Navy wasn't interested in applying their groundbreaking technology until twenty years later when it was used on military ships during a blockade of Cuba in 1962. Lamarr and Antheil's frequency-hopping concept serves as a basis for the spread-spectrum communication technology used in GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices. Unfortunately, Lamarr's part in its development has been largely overlooked and her efforts weren't recognized until 1997, when the Electronic Frontier Foundation gave her an award for her technological contributions.
You can learn more about Lamarr's fascinating story at http://tinyurl.com/7gor93c
For two great stories about female inventors, we recommend "Rosie Revere, Engineer," a fictional story about a young girl who loves to invent for ages 4 to 9 (http://www.amightygirl.com/rosie-revere-engineer) and "Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women," filled with stories of real-life female inventors throughout history for ages 8 and up (http://www.amightygirl.com/girls-think-of-everything).
For many stories of more girls and women in science and engineering, visit our "Science / Technology" section at http://www.amightygirl.com/books/general-interest/science-technology
For a great selection of engineering toys, including the recently released Roominate and GoldieBlox toys designed to encourage girls' interest in engineering, visit our "Engineering / Technology" toy section at http://www.amightygirl.com/toys/toys-games/science-math?cat=525
Thanks to The Scientista Foundation for sharing this image!"
"Today in Mighty Girl history, Hedy Lamarr, the glamorous movie star from the black-and-white era of film who co-invented a device that helped make possible the development of GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi technology, was born in 1914.

Originally from Austria, the mathematically talented Lamarr moved to the US in 1937 to start a Hollywood career. Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, she was considered one of cinema's leading ladies and made numerous films; however, her passion for engineering is far less known today. Her interest in inventing was such that she set up an engineering room in her house complete with a drafting table and wall of engineering reference books. With the outbreak of World War II, Lamarr wanted to apply her skills to helping the war effort and, motivated by reports of German U-boats sinking ships in the Atlantic, she began investigating ways to improve torpedo technology.
After Lamar met composer George Antheil, who had been experimenting with automated control of musical instruments, together they hit on the idea of "frequency hopping." At the time, radio-controlled torpedoes could easily be detected and jammed by broadcasting interference at the frequency of the control signal, thereby causing the torpedo to go off course. Frequency hopping essentially served to encrypt the control signal because it was impossible for a target to scan and jam all of the frequencies.
Lamarr and Antheil were granted a patent for their invention on August 11, 1942, but the US Navy wasn't interested in applying their groundbreaking technology until twenty years later when it was used on military ships during a blockade of Cuba in 1962. Lamarr and Antheil's frequency-hopping concept serves as a basis for the spread-spectrum communication technology used in GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices. Unfortunately, Lamarr's part in its development has been largely overlooked and her efforts weren't recognized until 1997, when the Electronic Frontier Foundation gave her an award for her technological contributions.
You can learn more about Lamarr's fascinating story at http://tinyurl.com/7gor93c
For two great stories about female inventors, we recommend "Rosie Revere, Engineer," a fictional story about a young girl who loves to invent for ages 4 to 9 (http://www.amightygirl.com/rosie-revere-engineer) and "Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women," filled with stories of real-life female inventors throughout history for ages 8 and up (http://www.amightygirl.com/girls-think-of-everything).
For many stories of more girls and women in science and engineering, visit our "Science / Technology" section at http://www.amightygirl.com/books/general-interest/science-technology
For a great selection of engineering toys, including the recently released Roominate and GoldieBlox toys designed to encourage girls' interest in engineering, visit our "Engineering / Technology" toy section at http://www.amightygirl.com/toys/toys-games/science-math?cat=525
Thanks to The Scientista Foundation for sharing this image!"
Monday, October 14, 2013
From The Dad I Wish I Knew
Dear Cutie-Pie,
Recently, your mother and I were searching for an answer on Google. Halfway through entering the question, Google returned a list of the most popular searches in the world. Perched at the top of the list was "How to keep him interested."
It startled me. I scanned several of the countless articles about how to be sexy and sexual, when to bring him a beer versus a sandwich, and the ways to make him feel smart and superior.
And I got angry.
Little One, it is not, has never been, and never will be your job to "keep him interested."
Little One, your only task is to know deeply in your soul -- in that unshakeable place that isn't rattled by rejection and loss and ego -- that you are worthy of interest. (If you can remember that everyone else is worthy of interest also, the battle of your life will be mostly won. But that is a letter for another day.)
If you can trust your worth in this way, you will be attractive in the most important sense of the word: you will attract a boy who is both capable of interest and who wants to spend his one life investing all of his interest in you.
Little One, I want to tell you about the boy who doesn't need to be keptinterested, because he knows you are interesting:
I don't care if he puts his elbows on the dinner table -- as long as he puts his eyes on the way your nose scrunches when you smile. And then can't stop looking.
I don't care if he can't play a bit of golf with me -- as long as he can play with the children you give him and revel in all the glorious and frustrating ways they are just like you.
I don't care if he doesn't follow his wallet -- as long as he follows his heart and it always leads him back to you.
I don't care if he is strong -- as long as he gives you the space to exercise the strength that is in your heart.
I couldn't care less how he votes -- as long as he wakes up every morning and daily elects you to a place of honor in your home and a place of reverence in his heart.
I don't care about the color of his skin -- as long as he paints the canvas of your lives with brushstrokes of patience, and sacrifice, and vulnerability, and tenderness.
I don't care if he was raised in this religion or that religion or no religion -- as long as he was raised to value the sacred and to know every moment of life, and every moment of life with you, is deeply sacred.
In the end, Little One, if you stumble across a man like that and he and I have nothing else in common, we will have the most important thing in common:
Because in the end, Little One, the only thing you should have to do to "keep him interested" is to be you.
Your eternally interested guy,
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
What A Woman Will Do
Ever wonder what a woman is truly capable of doing in her spare time? Well check out the image below and you'll find out exactly what they are capable of doing.
No offense to the guys out there, you guys are great. But it's time for the ladies to get some recognition!
No offense to the guys out there, you guys are great. But it's time for the ladies to get some recognition!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Since August marks the month for back to school, here's a little story about realizing your true inner beauty. Who knows? Maybe it will be just enough to make you have shining and great new school year.
Lizzie BeYOUtiful
Have you ever been bullied? Do you wish you could change something about yourself, like your hair, your eyes or your nose? Better yet, what if you learned to love yourself instead? Yes, it is hard, but it is possible if you change one thing… your outlook on life. Changing your outlook on the way you look changes the way you look at life. You will find yourself to be happier and wanting to try more things.
One young girl changed her outlook and her life changed forever. She has since written two books and has been interviewed by The Today Show, The Doctors, Entertainment Tonight, and Dr. Drew. She has spoken to groups of young kids, teens, and adults on anti-bullying and the importance of learning to love yourself.
Lizzie Velasquez, 23, is your everyday American girl. She enjoys spending time with friends, shopping, and listening to music. As a student at Texas State University, Lizzie is studying Communications and English.
Lizzie may just be like you or me, but she is different and unique. She was born with a rare genetic disorder that prevents her from gaining weight. She is also blind in her left eye. Lizzie had to deal with many people who called her names and stared at her funny. The bullying used to get to her but now she does not let those bullies take over her life. She is in control and she loves who she is!
Now as a motivational speaker, Lizzie is standing up against bullying and moving many people with her story.
What makes Lizzie so remarkable and how did she get to where she was? It was not always easy; in fact, it took some time for Lizzie to accept herself and it did not happen overnight. The hardest thing for Lizzie to let go was the fact that she could “never look like one of the popular girls.” She then took the negative things in her life and turned them into positive. That is when she realized there are so many blessings in life, little things, to be grateful and happy for. She is blind in one eye and often gets frustrated with her vision, but she is still grateful that she can see through the other eye. Her advice in the journey to loving yourself is to realize your purpose and go for your dreams.
The journey to loving yourself takes time and hard work. You might find yourself bullied into thinking you cannot do it. Here’s some advice from Lizzie, “the best way to get back [at your bully] is with accomplishments and successes. It’s the foolproof way to get rid of them by turning the negative into something positive.” Her advice for someone who is bullying other people is to “take time out and look at [yourself] and ask why they are doing things to hurt others.” What if you were bullied back? Put yourself in those shoes and sees how it feels to be bullied. Most likely, it will not feel good, so treat others the way you want to be treated.
To stay motivated in this journey Lizzie turned to music. Christian/worship music is her favorite go to music if she ever has an off day. She also goes to her fan email account and reads the messages from people who share their story with her and how Lizzie’s story changed their life. Lizzie recalls one touching story from outside the country. The letter was her first email from a teenager telling her how grateful they were for sharing her story. The teenager thought about committing suicide until they saw Lizzie’s story and decided to turn their life around. Lizzie realized then that her mission to help others was way bigger than what existed around her.
Lizzie Velasquez will graduate in May 2013 from Texas State University. She hopes one day to create a business to encourage good self-esteem and provide help for those who are being bullied. Her books are available through her website at aboutlizzie.com
A Featured Story on Latinitas Magazine: http://laslatinitas.com/featured/lizzie-beyoutiful
Monday, July 22, 2013
Motivation for a Monday
I love this quote from one of my favorite authors, Louisa May Alcott. She wrote Little Women, one of my all time favorites!!
What I love best about this quote and why it is perfect for Monday is because whatever challenges you may or may not know that face you this week, you have the power to take a hold and overcome them.
It's funny this quote came up. I have been thinking about getting a car, but in this weird world we live in, I have to get a license first. Yes, I do not have a driver's license. Now let me explain, I never had the need to learn how to drive and driving school was expensive in high school so I didn't learn. As the years past by and I lived on campus, I didn't have the need either. Now that I have a job, I can feel the need becoming stronger. Wait....it doesn't stop there....say if I did get a license, I certainly do not have the money to buy a car right away. Soooo it's a long process and, quite frankly, a lot of excuses.
I just know I need to get one to overcome a little twinge of fear. Yes, I am afraid. Drivers out there are scary! And I don't think I can handle the emotion of angry drivers.
I should listen to Louisa and take her advice to heart. I am not afraid of highways for I am learning to drive. Thanks Louisa...because in the world of naysayers, I do need proper encouragement and not to be discouraged by already licensed drivers (who by the way are spending a TON of money on their car a year and contributing to the pollution of the air.) just saying....
Wait... Is that another excuse?
I'm just happy I am being environmentally friendly and economical for MY wallet. No seriously, I've done the math. Just saying!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
American Girl, Molly McIntire Retires at Age 9
It is so disappointing to come to the realization that the time you've spent believing in something so much isn't what you expected. I guess it is all apart of life, to grow out of being naive.
Some of you know of my love for American Girl. I started investing time and research into creating a capstone for my masters this fall on the American Girl company. I feel discouraged and disheartened to know that the doll that inspired me to fall in love with American Girl will no longer be produced.American Girl announced the heartbreaking news on their Facebook today. Molly McIntire is one of the first three dolls produced by Pleasant Company (now owned by Mattel) in 1986. She will now join the other two dolls and be retired permanently.
I have never owned Molly as a doll because she was too expensive. But I did read her stories. Her stories touched me and stayed with me forever as a young girl. Knowing that I could of been able to purchase the doll later for my future daughter brought hope that I could continue the legacy of love I have for Molly to another generation. Now, that dream, that wish, will NEVER happen. It just breaks my heart.
Sorry American Girl, I do not think I want to work for you anymore. You are just a company out to seek a profit instead of touching the young girls' lives before you. I thought you were different. But like I experienced with Barbie, all my investment turned out disappointing. Thanks a lot Mattel. You made a fool of me.
Some of you know of my love for American Girl. I started investing time and research into creating a capstone for my masters this fall on the American Girl company. I feel discouraged and disheartened to know that the doll that inspired me to fall in love with American Girl will no longer be produced.American Girl announced the heartbreaking news on their Facebook today. Molly McIntire is one of the first three dolls produced by Pleasant Company (now owned by Mattel) in 1986. She will now join the other two dolls and be retired permanently.
I have never owned Molly as a doll because she was too expensive. But I did read her stories. Her stories touched me and stayed with me forever as a young girl. Knowing that I could of been able to purchase the doll later for my future daughter brought hope that I could continue the legacy of love I have for Molly to another generation. Now, that dream, that wish, will NEVER happen. It just breaks my heart.
Sorry American Girl, I do not think I want to work for you anymore. You are just a company out to seek a profit instead of touching the young girls' lives before you. I thought you were different. But like I experienced with Barbie, all my investment turned out disappointing. Thanks a lot Mattel. You made a fool of me.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Happy Birthday Sonia!
Here at Girl With The Wind one of Girl's biggest role models is that of U.S Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. You can tell from previous stories/posts that I just love her story and how she grew up to be Sonia. She is an inspiration to the Latina community and to young girls and boys living in poor circumstances to achieve more in education and in their life, whatever they choose to do.
So it is with Girl With The Wind's deepest heartfelt praise to wish Sonia a
From A Mighty Girl Facebook Page:
Happy 59th birthday to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Maria Sotomayor, the first Latina and the third woman to serve as a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Born in 1954 to Puerto Rican immigrants living in the Bronx, her family had very limited financial means but placed a strong emphasis on the importance of education.
Focused on a legal career from early on in life, Sonia Sotomayor overcame a series of challenging obstacles in order to pursue her dream. She also developed a strong sense of identity, and pride in her Nuyorican background. Sonia Sotomayor's current role as Supreme Court Justice was preceded by a lengthy and distinguished career within the judicial system. Today, she is viewed by many as a contemporary hero, and a model of what you can do with hard work and determination.
For a wonderful bilingual picture book about Justice Sotomayor's childhood, we recommend "Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx / La juez que crecio en el Bronx" for ages 4 - 8 athttp://www.amightygirl.com/ sonia-sotomayor
For more bilingual Spanish/English picture books, visithttp://www.amightygirl.com/ books?language=10
For more stories of Mighty Girl role models, visit our "Biography" section at http://www.amightygirl.com/ books/history-biography/ biography
Photo credit: Kainaz Amaria/NPR
So it is with Girl With The Wind's deepest heartfelt praise to wish Sonia a
Very Happy Birthday!
From A Mighty Girl Facebook Page:
Happy 59th birthday to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Maria Sotomayor, the first Latina and the third woman to serve as a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Born in 1954 to Puerto Rican immigrants living in the Bronx, her family had very limited financial means but placed a strong emphasis on the importance of education.
Focused on a legal career from early on in life, Sonia Sotomayor overcame a series of challenging obstacles in order to pursue her dream. She also developed a strong sense of identity, and pride in her Nuyorican background. Sonia Sotomayor's current role as Supreme Court Justice was preceded by a lengthy and distinguished career within the judicial system. Today, she is viewed by many as a contemporary hero, and a model of what you can do with hard work and determination.
For a wonderful bilingual picture book about Justice Sotomayor's childhood, we recommend "Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx / La juez que crecio en el Bronx" for ages 4 - 8 athttp://www.amightygirl.com/
For more bilingual Spanish/English picture books, visithttp://www.amightygirl.com/
For more stories of Mighty Girl role models, visit our "Biography" section at http://www.amightygirl.com/
Photo credit: Kainaz Amaria/NPR
Friday, May 24, 2013
The Woman in Battle
Considered one of the greatest stories of the Civil War, and I'm not talking about Gone With The Wind (even though it is wonderful). What I am most shocked by is not the story of a woman who disguises herself as a man to fight for her identity as an American during the Civil War, but why I have NEVER BEEN TOLD THIS STORY BEFORE! Someone REALLY needs to rewrite the history books and include stories of these remarkable women who have made great differences to our history as a nation. I'm so tired of this "shocked" feeling. I want to say, "oh yes! I've heard of her!" Can anyone say they know who Ada Lovelace is? Cecilia Payne? Harriet Quimby? Loreta Janeta Velazquez? Don't let their names be forgotten.
To buy her memoir, visit Amazon http://www.amazon.com/The-Woman-Battle-Confederate-Autobiography/dp/0299194248/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=14IRI7512W1OK&coliid=I21N53U7E9TEMM
Here is a review of her documentary aired today on San Antonio's KLRN (PBS) http://sacurrent.com/screens/film/loreta-vel%C3%A1zquez-the-secret-soldier-of-the-civil-war-1.1492420
To buy her memoir, visit Amazon http://www.amazon.com/The-Woman-Battle-Confederate-Autobiography/dp/0299194248/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=14IRI7512W1OK&coliid=I21N53U7E9TEMM
Here is a review of her documentary aired today on San Antonio's KLRN (PBS) http://sacurrent.com/screens/film/loreta-vel%C3%A1zquez-the-secret-soldier-of-the-civil-war-1.1492420
"What a woman may do if she dares, and dares to do greatly."
-Loreta Janeta Velasquez
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Today In History
This is why I love A Mighty Girl. Harriet Quimby is the first female aviator in the United States and was great inspiration to my gal, Amelia Earhart! Here's to aviation and the power of women!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Sarah Kay
I have just been introduced to Sarah Kay's work and I feel empowered, inspired, and hopeful. And on a day like this where life seems to throw you a curve ball, this is where you grab the bat and swing. With full force, and watch how far the ball lands. Who knows? It may lead you new places.
Check the video out yourself and see what adjectives come to your mind.
Check the video out yourself and see what adjectives come to your mind.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Facebook Users Beware: Your future depends on it.
I, you, we... all need to keep a conscious mind and soul handy when we post status updates and photos. I'm starting to believe that the value of fast communication through social media networks is being undervalued each time someone posts something that is a little too personal. Do they actually think people care about what they had for dinner, why they are just so upset today (for the millionth time), or how they look in the morning and on the way to school?
To me, social media networks are a way to shareinformation valued information with a little personal touch. Wow us with the use our latest technology by sharing IMPORTANT issues. I DO NOT CARE about how much you love your boyfriend or girlfriend. Don't they have a phone? Why not send them a personal message? Better yet, write them a letter. Why is there a need to show off how "wonderful" your relationship is?
Maybe social media has gone to our heads. We seem to think all our thoughts are diamonds and should be valued by the community. I assure you, you are contributing nothing to society when you continuously post meaningless stuff.
Even psychologists believe that people who post the "meaningless stuff" are actually looking for reassurance from their surrounding community. They want a sense of entitlement. Now, that I can understand. When you post something you DO want people to notice, but people need to realize it is OKAY if you do not have 30 "likes". It does not mean your valued information is any less valuable.
This part is my favorite, psychologists also believe when it comes to religion, it is better to keep it private. I'm pretty sure God does not have Facebook because He does not need to "friend" you to know who you are off of Facebook. I'm not saying to ignore God and not have him in your life. My point is, shouldn't it be obvious if you are a child of God by your actions and your words in your everyday life choices or habits?
So play nice. Even though it is "yours", your Facebook is NOT personal and you should treat it as such. The internet is permanent so beware of what you post and how it may be considered offensive to others.
If that does not help, try looking it at a professional stance. Professionals are looking at potential employees by checking out profiles. On the contrary, professionals may think it funny if you do not have a Facebook. Oh the drama. Check out the article from Mashable here.
So if you are feeling a little "dirty," plug in your Facebook to the app here to clean it up. The "FaceWash" app goes through all posts looking for keywords that could be harmful to your professional image.
I'm stepping off my soapbox now and am cleaning up my social media image. If you want to know the real me, let's actually talk.
To me, social media networks are a way to share
Maybe social media has gone to our heads. We seem to think all our thoughts are diamonds and should be valued by the community. I assure you, you are contributing nothing to society when you continuously post meaningless stuff.
Even psychologists believe that people who post the "meaningless stuff" are actually looking for reassurance from their surrounding community. They want a sense of entitlement. Now, that I can understand. When you post something you DO want people to notice, but people need to realize it is OKAY if you do not have 30 "likes". It does not mean your valued information is any less valuable.
This part is my favorite, psychologists also believe when it comes to religion, it is better to keep it private. I'm pretty sure God does not have Facebook because He does not need to "friend" you to know who you are off of Facebook. I'm not saying to ignore God and not have him in your life. My point is, shouldn't it be obvious if you are a child of God by your actions and your words in your everyday life choices or habits?
So play nice. Even though it is "yours", your Facebook is NOT personal and you should treat it as such. The internet is permanent so beware of what you post and how it may be considered offensive to others.
If that does not help, try looking it at a professional stance. Professionals are looking at potential employees by checking out profiles. On the contrary, professionals may think it funny if you do not have a Facebook. Oh the drama. Check out the article from Mashable here.
So if you are feeling a little "dirty," plug in your Facebook to the app here to clean it up. The "FaceWash" app goes through all posts looking for keywords that could be harmful to your professional image.
I'm stepping off my soapbox now and am cleaning up my social media image. If you want to know the real me, let's actually talk.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Quote of the Day
Why does America have some of the greatest women writers? Margaret Mitchell, Emily Dickinson, Harper Lee, Louisa May Alcott?
Speaking of Louisa May Alcott, below is a quote!
I love Louisa's novel Little Women. It competes on daily basis with Mitchell's Gone With The Wind on my "favorites" shelf.
I think what I love most about Little Women is the character of Jo March. Sometimes, I'd swear Louisa must of been writing about me. Where's my German professor to love?
Thanks to the Museum Store for this wonderful image:http://tinyurl.com/azbbewb
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Anne Frank
In seventh grade, I read the diary of Anne Frank and just as Anne wrote in her diary longing for true friends, I too, craved the same thing.
At times I felt my only friends were characters I found in words of books or movies.
So here's to Anne, one of my first friends.
At times I felt my only friends were characters I found in words of books or movies.
So here's to Anne, one of my first friends.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Happy 200th Lizzie Bennet!
Congratulations to Jane Austen for writing, notably, one of the greatest stories ever, Pride and Prejudice 200 years ago.
Mind you, I have seen just about every adaptation of Jane Austen's work but I just have to bring up a new recent discovery called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. It is a modern, online only, adaptation of Jane Austen's famous work turned into an e-diary or vlog.
It is absolutely clever and so worth watching. I love it! Lizzie, in the modern light, is a grad student studying communications (sounds like me) and is creating these videos for her thesis. Following her journey, you find the familiar characters step into the light and a familiar, yet seemingly different, story unfold before you in each 4-5 minute episode.
If I haven't aroused your curiosity yet, then I must INSIST you try at least one episode here.
For more information you can visit Lizzie Bennet's website.
Until then, I'd like to remember a very special Jane Austen and here's to many more years.
Mind you, I have seen just about every adaptation of Jane Austen's work but I just have to bring up a new recent discovery called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. It is a modern, online only, adaptation of Jane Austen's famous work turned into an e-diary or vlog.
It is absolutely clever and so worth watching. I love it! Lizzie, in the modern light, is a grad student studying communications (sounds like me) and is creating these videos for her thesis. Following her journey, you find the familiar characters step into the light and a familiar, yet seemingly different, story unfold before you in each 4-5 minute episode.
If I haven't aroused your curiosity yet, then I must INSIST you try at least one episode here.
For more information you can visit Lizzie Bennet's website.
Until then, I'd like to remember a very special Jane Austen and here's to many more years.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Never Interrupt Someone
Today in 1935, "Amelia Earhart became the first person to fly solo from Honolulu, Hawaii to Oakland, California. Although this transoceanic flight had been attempted by many others... her trailblazing flight had been mainly routine, with no mechanical breakdowns. In her final hours, she even relaxed and listened to a 'the broadcast of the Metropolitan Opera from New York.'" -- Wikipedia
For several excellent books for young readers about Amelia Earhart's fascinating life and a wonderful Amelia Earhart doll/book set, visit our Amelia Earhart collection at http://www.amightygirl.com/character-collection/historical-characters-1/amelia-earhart
For several excellent books for young readers about Amelia Earhart's fascinating life and a wonderful Amelia Earhart doll/book set, visit our Amelia Earhart collection at http://www.amightygirl.com/character-collection/historical-characters-1/amelia-earhart
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